Akela for Cats Coming Soon!

There is a problem occurring in kitchens around the country. It is more common than we first realised and has stopped our tails wagging. It seems our feline friends have acquired a taste for Akela and are literally stealing it from under the dogs noses as they eat from their bowls!

Those not quite cheeky enough to steal from the bowls have been helping themselves to any bags left on counter surfaces not sealed up correctly, much to the disappointment of the floor-bound dog the food was meant for, often being left watching in a pile of their own drool.

But, not to worry as a solution is being crafted as we speak. We will soon be launching a wet food for cats, shortly followed by a 90:10 dry kibble cat recipe. So keep the crafty cats out of the dogs food for just a little longer, they will get there turn soon.

Akela cat food coming soon

On a more serious note, owners have been asking us if the Akela dog recipies are dangerous for cats. The answer is no in small amounts. They can eat the food without issues, but it does not contain added taurine that cats need so it is not advised as being suitable as a complete diet for cats. Don’t worry though, we are sure they will love the new cat recipe as much as the dog one.

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